
Photo du jour

A neighbor's Christmas decorations. It was put up the day after Halloween. It's like living next to Las Vegas. Only snow is missing. Anyway, I'm taking some time off during the Christmas / New Year period so no new posts for some time. Until then I wish you all a Merry Christmas, happy holidays and a happy new year!
Les décorations de Noël d'un voisin. C'a été installé le lendemain de l'Halloween. C'est comme vivre à côté de Las Vegas. Il manque seulement de la neige. Quoi qu'il en soit, je prends quelques jours de congé pendant la période de Noël - nouvel an, donc pas de nouveaux postes pour un certain temps. Entre temps, je vous souhaite à toutes et à tous un joyeux Noël, bonnes fêtes, et une bonne année!


  1. You know, as long as an Xmas display doesn't include loud music, I freakin' LOVE all the lights and crap. I completely turn into an awestruck 4 year old when I see it.

    And I'm usually a very low-key/'good taste' kinda person. Plus I am pure 'hum bug' and don't even celebrate the holiday.

    But seeing other people's lights and plastic Santas and overt-the-top accoutrements? I live for the stuff and will have no shame :-)

    Happy Holidays!

  2. I want to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a happy new year. A special thank you to the creator of vanishing Montreal for all your hard work and dedication.
